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Uncovering the Blind Spots for Hiring Managers

Uncovering the Blind Spots for Hiring Managers

How many times have you thought you made the perfect hire just to learn within a relatively short time that he or she was actually underqualified and/or didn’t fit into the company’s culture for any number of reasons? If you nodded your head as you read that, you’re...
Optimizing Candidate Reference Checks: Tips and Tricks

Optimizing Candidate Reference Checks: Tips and Tricks

As an executive search firm, one of the most critical components of our job is finding the best possible candidates for our clients. This process involves a thorough evaluation of a candidate’s qualifications, experience, and fit with the company culture....
Why Successful Entrepreneurs Say No

Why Successful Entrepreneurs Say No

  Why The Most Successful Entrepreneurs Say No I’ve been a career coach for nearly 25 years and run my business for 20 years now. My goal remains the same: help my clients create huge shifts in their personal and professional lives. I’ve since learned that the...

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