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The Truth About Counteroffers

The Truth About Counteroffers

Counteroffers are a dime a dozen these days. Many sectors are still experiencing talent shortages. As executive recruiters, there is no better feeling than hearing the excitement when we call a candidate to extend them an offer on behalf of our clients; only to get...

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Decoding the Job Journey – Balancing Stability and Growth

Decoding the Job Journey – Balancing Stability and Growth

Baby Boomers and, to a lesser extent, Gen Xers tend to think that one is lucky to have a proverbial bird in hand and shouldn't run off chasing two in the bush. To them, job stability, predictability, and a steady paycheck are the keys to a good life. However, a recent...

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Job Hunting on Steroids: AI Tools to Land Your Perfect Job

Job Hunting on Steroids: AI Tools to Land Your Perfect Job

Job hunting can be an exhausting, repetitive process. First, you must find available jobs that suit your skill set, desired pay scale, and availability. Then, you have to contact dozens of employers and send out as many resumes (with cover letters), tweaking each one...

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Uncovering the Blind Spots for Hiring Managers

Uncovering the Blind Spots for Hiring Managers

How many times have you thought you made the perfect hire just to learn within a relatively short time that he or she was actually underqualified and/or didn’t fit into the company’s culture for any number of reasons? If you nodded your head as you read that, you’re...

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Debunking Myths about Job Duration

Debunking Myths about Job Duration

Despite the modernity of today’s job market, many old-fashioned, pervasive myths still surround the question of employment duration. Career professionals must debunk these misconceptions to navigate the contemporary workforce successfully. This article aims to...

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Unlocking Rocket-Fueled Career Growth Secrets

Unlocking Rocket-Fueled Career Growth Secrets

To exit Earth’s orbit, a spacecraft must reach a speed of seven miles per second, or 25,000 miles per hour. Then, anything we call “rocket-fueled” moves at the highest achievable velocity. In this article, we’ll talk about how to achieve this kind of rapid...

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The Truth About Counteroffers

The Truth About Counteroffers

Counteroffers are a dime a dozen these days. Many sectors are still experiencing talent shortages. As executive recruiters, there is no better feeling than hearing the excitement when we call a candidate to extend them an offer on behalf of our clients; only to get...

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Decoding the Job Journey – Balancing Stability and Growth

Decoding the Job Journey – Balancing Stability and Growth

Baby Boomers and, to a lesser extent, Gen Xers tend to think that one is lucky to have a proverbial bird in hand and shouldn't run off chasing two in the bush. To them, job stability, predictability, and a steady paycheck are the keys to a good life. However, a recent...

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