Candidates spend a lot of time preparing for interviews. The good ones spend time studying the company, preparing impactful answers for commonly-asked questions, and even deciding what to wear. Good prospects prepare well, and good companies recognize and appreciate...
All managers, no matter what their titles are, are in essence human resource managers. Okay, “HR Manager” might not be their job title or description in the strictest sense of the words, but all management is HR management at its core, in that a company’s human...
According to research published by Glassdoor, it costs businesses an average of nearly $4,000 to hire a new employee. That number varies depending on a variety of factors, including how many interviews were conducted before finding the right candidate, where the job...
Hard work, perseverance, and expertise can help you earn your place at the top of your company but once you get there, it takes a lot more than prowess and determination to succeed. On top of that, the role of the CEO has changed in recent years. While the CEOs of...
Being a leader is a skill that anyone can learn—that is, a learned or acquired ability. It takes desire. It takes extended practice. Above all, it takes action. Whether you are a teacher, parent, mentor, coach, manager, director, politician, or CEO, anytime you are in...
Working After Retirement: How to Apply for a Position and Get the Job A famous American medical researcher, Jonas Salk, said, “The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.” As somebody who continued his life’s work until almost the time of his death,...