Barbachano International Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about job seeking and technical issues with our career portal.
Can you help me find a job?
This is the most common question we receive and often a misconception. While we are happy to provide you with career opportunities, resume assistance, career advice, and executive coaching services, we help companies find people for jobs. We do not find jobs to employ candidates.
My employer is letting me go. What do I do?
It’s tough when an organization makes a decision to lay off employees. Losing one’s job, even on the best of terms, is one of life’s most awful experiences. Good companies will do right by terminated employees by offering outplacement support to assist them in finding new jobs.
These services, like the ones offered by our sister company Challenger, Gray & Christmas, help employees move forward emotionally and intellectually and ultimately help them land more successful careers.
For outplacement needs in Mexico please visit our Challenger Gray & Christmas site in Spanish: For outplacement needs in the United States or worldwide, please visit
I want to register as a candidate. Can you explain the process?
Please create your profile and submit your resume in our career portal. Your registration will give you access to our Job Board. Simply search open positions and apply for jobs you feel are a good match for you.
All candidates will be told of the relationship between BIP and our client company, how (and when) the search process will be conducted, the role of the consultant in the search process, and provided with specific information about the position prior to the initial interview. Candidates will additionally receive resume writing and interviewing techniques to obtain desired results.
All candidates receive complete confidentiality. The search associate will also honor all candidate requests not to disclose specific information. For your protection, we will not identify your candidacy to any company without your prior approval.
Do I have to pay for this service?
No. All our fees are paid by client companies to find candidates.
Can I send you my resume?
To submit your resume, please visit our career portal.
How do I apply for a position?
Please, log in to your profile to apply for jobs. Make sure we have your updated resume on file beforehand. Only candidates who meet all the required criteria will be considered. Browse our Job Board.
If no position(s) meet(s) your current interest, you can submit your resume to us for future consideration. We receive new job requests every day, so continue to check back frequently.
Can I apply for multiple positions?
Of course! Each position has a dedicated recruiter assigned to it. When you apply to a position, the recruiter is notified of your interest and will follow up with you in the event your skills match the requirements of the position.
I submitted my application. What now?
You will receive confirmation that your application has been successfully submitted. Once you receive this confirmation, your application has been submitted for review. If we review your application and would like to move forward, a recruiter will contact you directly via phone or e-mail to schedule an interview at this time.
What is the status of my application?
After you apply and until further notice, your application is in the review process. Due to the volume of applicants that BIP receives for our positions, we appreciate your patience while our recruiters review your background. If you proceed past the review process, you will hear directly from a recruiter. You will be informed of your status throughout the remainder of the hiring process.
I can’t log in
If you have an account with us:
Check your credentials
• Is it possible you registered with a different email address?
• Check that your CAPS-lock is not turned on. Passwords are case sensitive.
Check your browser
• Delete your cookies, clear your cache and restart your computer.
• Try using a different browser. Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.
Important: Make sure you verify the CAPTCHA code (I’m not a robot) presented and click submit.
I forgot my username/password
In the log-in page, enter your email address and check the “Email my Password” checkbox to receive your credentials in your inbox. Please don’t create multiple accounts, as this creates duplicity in our database and is considered an error, which is likely to hurt your candidacy.
I can’t upload documents to my profile
Check your browser
• Delete your cookies, clear your cache and restart your computer.
• Try using a different browser. Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.
Note: All confidential information relating to the business of our employer/clients, which is imparted as an aid to the search assignment, shall be treated accordingly.